Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Establishing Boundaries (with Audio)


What colors are important to you? Why are they important to you?

How do you communicate what is important to you?

Spiritual Fusion: A Relational Paradigm

Monday, December 21, 2020

Life is a Synonym

If you had to communicate
 who you are...
what is important to you...

What would you “say”? How would you “say” it?

    How do we know, what we do not know? The truth is, "it" can be very difficult to figure out until someone else relates the experience to us. Even if we do not have words for an experience, that does not mean the experience is any less relatable or real.  Sometimes we aren’t even aware we are experiencing something, until someone else summarizes the experience into a single word for us.

    If you are not sure what I mean, here is a personal example.  Have you ever heard of the term, Hygge?  Hygge in itself was a paradigm to me.  Hygge is a Danish term defined as, “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being”.  My  favorite definition of Hygge however, is the PRONUNCIATION of the word, “Hygge”.  If you are American like me, trying to figure out how to pronounce those letters is not clear.  It is pronounced as the noise you make when you experience “Hygge”; the visceral exhale once you have achieved satisfying comfort.  *Inhale* *Hoo-guhhh*.

    As soon as I started looking into Hygge, I realized that it was something that deeply resonated with me, yet I never acknowledged it for I never had a term for it.  It was simply just who I was.  Now that I have a word for this experience, I can better communicate it with others around me.  

    That is the power of communication.  That is the power of knowing ourselves, so we can communicate it with others.  It takes experience, it takes honor for the truth, it takes searching all avenues that align with our purpose. In doing so, we find more pathways to communicate our experience to others.  In doing so we enrich our experience of Life.  Every word I have used in this post, in this website, is intentional.  If you are unsure about a word, a context, etc.  I implore you to search further…  If you see something and do not understand it, that is your queue to investigate.  

    So what is the purpose of all of this?  To encourage you to be innovative in how you communicate.  Maybe the way that best explains your experience still has yet to be invented.  Do not stop searching until you find what makes your soul, as the Quakers would say, “quake”.  Find your truth, and then SPEAK your truth.  As the Greeks would say, cultivate Eudaimonia.

    I want to make a point that communication does not have to rely on language.  I think there is a very profound correlation that needs to be made relating to the purpose of this post.   The Enlightenment.  One of the most amazing lessons to me was during an AP Euro class (that I did not pass).  The only thing I took away from that class was the Artistic Revolution that occurred during the Enlightenment.  This “revolution” was the explosion of perspective in paintings.  Prior to the Renaissance, most if not all of the printed artwork was “two-dimensional”.  Yes, there was shading and an understanding of depth.  It is not that people pre-enlightenment did not see “depth”.  It was during the Renaissance that perspective became prevalent in art.  The following video is an example of the “Perspective” found in Renaissance art.  

Spiritual Fusion: A Relational Paradigm

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Spiritual Fusion: A Relational Paradigm


    Spiritual Fusion simply put is - Constant, honest, internal and external Observation, Analysis, Effective Communication and Action. Whether you want to call it light, god, spirit, soul, deity, divine creator, holy spirit, universe, or whatever YOUR experience is, You are enlightened.  You are aware that there is a force external to us that allows us to experience this consciousness of life.  Nobody can tell you what that experience is but yourself.   However, it is in your ability to communicate that experience to others in which we move from Enlightened to Spiritually Fused.

    From the Scientific Revolution to the Spiritual Revolution.  A time has come for us to evolve the human consciousness.  The Spiritual Fusion Paradigm is a concept to help encourage the collaboration of the human species.  

    There are many theories, concepts, ideas, stories, experiences to all try and explain why humans behave the way we do.  This was an important process for our human consciousness.  However, the world has become so engrossed in trying to understand and analyze the behaviors of everyone else, that we have lost sight of the ability to be aware of ourselves.  

    In our search for the "Truth", we have failed to see that the truth resides in every interaction we have in our life.  A world reliant on outside validation for our reality, we have forgotten how to trust our true selves.  This is not to say that this constant search for patterns should halt.  This search provides a great groundwork for the understanding that everyone has different needs and that we are all connected.  This information accelerates the process of enlightenment for individuals.  We must not stop at enlightenment though.  Enlightenment must turn into action to truly satisfy our spirit.

    The Spiritual Fusion Paradigm provides a framework for understanding our own personal enlightenment and encourages us to use it to fulfill our spirit's true purpose.  People who are able to fuse their spirit with their physical world will achieve the concept every religion seeks to define, "Self-Actualization".  

    Spiritual Fusion is the ability to look within oneself to understand their most sincere needs.  No one can tell you what your needs are except for yourself.  You cannot tell anyone else what their needs are.  Spiritual Fusion is the process of understanding your needs and the balance of relationships in your life.  Once you become aware of this balance, you can then communicate your needs to achieve Self-Actualization.  The Spiritual Fusion process is about aligning your physical world with your spiritual world.  In order to do this, one must not be scared of the truth.  This fear felt while seeing the truth is meant to empower you to communicate for change.  Learn how be at ease with this process by using Spiritual Fusion method.

Begin the Journey